
As we are gradually coming out of pandemic measures; meeting up with friends and families, we may find that households could be struggling financially with more things on which to spend our money. With so many hours spent at home, it has easy to spot all those ‘little’ jobs that need doing around the house, but money could be tight. That is where Lendology and Sedgemoor District Council could help. We provide low interest loans to help homeowners to undertake essential repairs to their home.

Whilst the spring and summer are still in front of us, it pays to plan ahead. Keeping homes safe, warm and ready for autumn and winter is key to good health across Sedgemoor. A loan from Lendology can ensure homes are fully prepared cold and wet weather – be it repairing a leaky roof, funding an efficient heating system, fitting good insulation to keep bills down, or ensuring electrics are safe and up-to-date. There are a variety of home repairs and improvements covered under the scheme.

A recent Sedgemoor homeowner who received a loan funded by Sedgemoor District Council and delivered by Lendology CIC said: “Everything from the initial survey to the communication and help we have received has been excellent”.

If you need to repair your home, it couldn’t be simpler to apply for a home improvement loan. Just contact the team at Lendology direct on 01823 461099 or visit their website www.lendology.org.uk

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